The purpose of the class project is create a shareable, reproduciable work product that utilizes what you’ve learned during Part I of the workshop. You will work in groups of two or three and are required to provide the following outcomes:

  1. A repository in GitHub
  2. An html document that contains the following:
    • Purpose or research question
    • Code used to manipulate and explore data with enough documentation for someone else to reproduce and understand your method.
    • Results of your work with a minimum of two figures (preferably using ggplot2).
    • Brief summary or conclusion of the outcome of your purpose or research question.

Below is a list of clean datasets for you to use. You may also use your own dataset.


Before you get started on the class project we will briefly introduce some project managment tools that should help you with the collaborative process:

  1. Project management with RStudio
  2. Using Git with RStudio
  3. Intro to RMarkdown